August 23, 2024

Kiswe at the White House

Takeaways from the Creator Economy Conference. Written by Priscilla Lau.

“You are the future, you are the new possibilities. You are the new breakthrough in how we communicate” - President Joe Biden. 

The creator economy is important, not just because it’s a $250B business and potentially approaching half-a-trillion dollars by 2027, but because of its role in spreading truthful information, especially on topics like policies, AI, fair pay and mental health. 

Last week, President Joe Biden and his team hosted a fourm to discuss legislation to support the creator economy and Kiswe was there. We discussed topics such as treating creators like trusted journalists and small businesses, and prioritizing the need to stay engaged in an ever changing media landscape. The White House hosted its first ever Creator Economy Conference, a 100-person event bringing together creators and industry executives to discuss key issues affecting our country and the global creator community. 
As a former Google and YouTube employee, I was one of the few attendees with direct platform and advertising experience, allowing me to provide insights on safety, responsibility, and creativity from that perspective. 

Creation is personal and that’s why I love the creator economy. No matter what industry you’re in, if you’re consuming media in any way, you’re a part of the creator economy. What is the creator economy? More than the “B,” billions, you’re seeing behind the economic opportunity, it’s the growing world of content, social media, community and creators shifting culture. More importantly, it’s impacting the way we communicate and do business in every industry across the world. 

AI is transforming how we work, what we work on, and how quickly we do it. Creator content is being scraped, misused, and even abused. While platforms drive AI advancements, they also contribute to growing mistrust. Creators find themselves  in a vulnerable position, reliant on these platforms but not knowing how their data is being used and when the algorithms changes might negatively impact them. Regulation is needed but we need to work together, not in silos. 

I envision a world wherethe White House organizes a Creator Economy Advisory Board that includes key stakeholders and influencers in this space - the platforms, leading creator entrepreneurs and creators passionate about social policy and legislation. 

As the Creator Economy grows and continues to make waves in every industry, Kiswe is here as your D2C Streaming Partner. Let us help you maximize revenue opportunities through D2C streaming technology and services - in any industry but notably in sports, music and entertainment. You own the data, you see what we see. It’s straightforward and we take partnership seriously. Yes, there are other ways to stream. But most importantly, you should work with good people. At Kiswe, we strive to be the best partner in every way. Come find out and talk to us, we’d love to connect. 


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